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Heat wave driving tips: Protecting yourself and your car this summer
Mar 25, 2020

Chelsea  Truck Company Jeep Wrangler Black Hawk edition, complete with a  retractable Targa Roof is ideal for discerning commuters as Britain  braces for 39C temperatures on what could be the country's hottest day  on record.

Forecasters are predicting temperatures in some parts of the UK on  Thursday could top the current record for a July day of 36.7C, set at  Heathrow Airport in 2015. Whilst the mercury is high, the following tips  will help keep your car and yourself safe in the heat of the un-British  weather.

Keeping Your Vehicle Safe

1. Simply remove the Targa roof of your Black Hawk  or CJ 300 and drive in the most exclusive of locations with a sense of  serene detachment as the sun bears down on you.

Depending on how you look at it, the Black Hawk not only conveys  expressive design language, taut lines and powerful contours, the focus  on interplay between the highly sophisticated individual components is  exceptional – so in other words – not only will you feel good – you will  also look the part!

2. Another way to ensure safe summer driving is to  check the tyre pressure. Tyres tend to be heat sensitive - so  maintaining appropriate pressure is a must in the summer months to  prevent heat stress and to get the best mileage possible.

Off-roaders heading towards the hills in their CTC Jeep Wranglers  can reduce tyre pressure. However, it is important to mention, that not  re-inflating your tyres when you get back can be very dangerous.

3. Cars are highly susceptible to overheating in  warm weather conditions, so make sure that your radiator is working  properly by frequently checking coolant levels.

4. Last but not least, plan ahead in terms of  long-distance trips. Leave early in the morning and either set off late  evening or get a good night sleep then set off the next day.

Keeping Yourself And Your Passengers Safe

1. This may seem like a no-brainer but wear  appropriate clothing. Light coloured clothing made of natural fabrics  will increase breathability and keep you cooler for longer. Also, if you  like driving with the windows down, apply sun cream as you may be  exposed to the sun for extended amounts of time.

2. Dehydration is dangerous, so take plenty of  drinks with you, if you have a built-in fridge you must fill it, but  keep away from sugary drinks, bring on the water and pure fruit juice.

3. You may have this one covered since everyone  seems to be obsessed with technology, but keep your mobile phone  charged. It is always useful to have a mobile phone ready to go in case  of an emergency.

4. Window shades in the rear windows are a must to  protect small children in hot weather. Children are particularly  vulnerable to extreme temperatures, therefore the need to take extra  precautions are necessary.

5. This is a very serious issue, never leave  children or animals unattended in the car. There have been many  heatstroke- related deaths of children in recent years and pets can  suffer brain damage or even die of a heatstroke after only 15 minutes of  exposure.

So there you go, follow these tips to ensure you enjoy a safe  summer of driving in your Chelsea Truck Company Black Hawk or CJ300  editions.

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